Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday's chicken statistics.

(Today I weighed and measured the chicks again and here are their stats:

Flower weighs 3.8 ounces and is 7.25 inches in length
Rhoda weighs 3.1 ounces and is 6.25 inches in length
Daisy weighs 2.6 ounces and is 5.75 inches in length
And finally, Jadzia weighs in at 1.4 ounces and is 4.5 inches long)

Flower's feet and legs are turning green.  Her feathers are changing colors, too. 

Mommy is holding Flower right now and she pooped on Mommy's hand!  Ewww! Some got on Mommy's hand and some got on the towel.  That was so gross.

Jadzia likes to climb on Mommy's neck and peck at her hair and her neck.  It tickles Mommy's neck when Jadzia pecks at it.  She pecks really fast. 

Daisy is getting her crest. It looks orange. 

One of the chicks pooped on the chair then fell down.  It was gross. 

The chicks like me holding them because they know I love them and take care of them.  Jadzia likes to be held because she likes to be warm.  She is still a very little chick.

I will talk some more tomorrow.  I want to play with the chicks right now. 

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